by Serge | May 2, 2017 | exercise, training | Forum
Just came across this article on Yahoo 7 Lifestyle website, Article talks about 3 ways one can burn lots of calories without exercising, such as... by Serge | Mar 16, 2017 | exercise, fitness, health, personal training | Forum
Most people turn to exercise as the means of losing weight. However, it is now a well known fact that exercise is not efficient in helping to lose weight. If you are seeking to lose weight, diet is the key. However, exercising on the regular basis and at the adequate... by Serge | Nov 29, 2016 | exercise, training | Forum
So looks like crawling is the, it exercise of 2017, exercises such as bear crawls tend to work on your arms, shoulders as well as core and depending on the duration it can also be used as part of your cardio routine.... by Serge | Nov 8, 2016 | brain, exercise, personal training | Forum
Believe it or not but there is still much we do not know about our grey matter or simply brain. Unfortunately in 2016, scientist still haven’t managed to gauge the full understanding of our brain or how exactly our brain functions on the daily basis. However, what we... by Serge | Sep 13, 2016 | exercise, personal training, training | Info Centre
Often by the end of another busy day in the office one just doesn’t feel like exercising. However, when you are feeling tired and low on energy, exercise is exactly what you should be turning to and not another high in sugar energy drink. Recent study has shown that...